MedicoLegal has a virtual office central to Pittsburgh, PA. At this time we do not have a brick-and-mortar office, but we are as close as an email and no farther than a phone call. As a cloud-based platform, we offer services in the greater Pittsburgh and tri-state area. We have been providing medical expert support for law firms, government entities, insurance providers, and third-party administrators for decades.

Jon B. Tucker, M.D., CEO and Chief Medical Officer of Tucker Independent Medical Experts, Inc. concluded a 25-year career in the practice of orthopedic surgery in 2015. His experience bridging the gap between physicians and the legal community is well developed through his involvement in thousands of cases litigated in state and federal jurisdictions across the full range of the medico-legal spectrum.
Dr. Tucker has always been a pioneer in the interface between medicine and the law as it applied to expert witnesses.
Barbara is our Business Manager. She recently joined Medico Legal after 35 years at Carnegie Mellon University as an Academic Coordinator. Barb likes working, so rather than retire, she is enjoying the work at MedicoLegal where she is free to organize to her heart’s content.